Camera Donations Needed

Hello everyone:

This message is primarily for those that live in the Harris County, Tx area (Houston). I am putting together a basic photography class for teens in my Parish in Hempstead. I would like to give them the opportunity to take part in a wonderful hobby and/or career in the graphic photo arts.

If your familiar with the area you recognize that for the most part these will be economically deprived individuals that don’t have the ability to purchase their own cameras.

What I’m looking for are those DSLR’s that you no longer use and are sitting in your closet gathering dust. A camera and charger with a kit lens is all we need. Right now I have seven teens lined up for the classes. The age of the DSLR doesn’t matter as long as it is working.

I’m sure these teens will appreciate your generosity. Tax forms can be made available is you need the donation for your taxes.

The cameras will become the property of the Parish so hopefully we can make this class available to more kids going forward.

P.M. me if you can make an equipment donation.

Thanks everyone;


Admin note: this post received approval from the admin prior to posting. Thanks! ~Joe

