Internal Server Error?

I’m getting an error when clicking the ‘like’ button below posts:

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Try refreshing. I’m not seeing that error on my end. Hopefully if anyone else is encountering this, they can report it, too.

Not seeing it here.

It seems to have gone away now. I made no changes apart from taking a break for a cup of tea and a slice of date and walnut cake. Wonder if that did it…


I’m gonna go with that as a solution

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I had the same issue as @Mond did. It went away for me, too, but I did not get tea or cake…


aaaawwwwhhhhh :disappointed:

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I have also started seeing a message when liking an image since yesterday. I just had one a few minutes ago. I will take a screen shot next time. I would not mark this issue as solved just yet! I’m on a Mac and I think Mond & Ken are too, maybe it’s just a Mac issue?
My message is different than Monds… mine says something like… Sorry an error has occurred?

Gather as many screenshots as you can, when it happens. You can quickly screenshot on Mac with CMD + Shift + 3, and you can quickly screenshot on PC with WIN + PrintScreen.

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