Tawny Frogmouths - Australia's strange birds

Related to the Nightjars, Australia’s Tawny Frogmouths are a strange bird that, as a nocturnal hunter, usually rests during the day on a low branch and assumes you cannot see them. They are quite large but, unlike an Owl, don’t have particularly strong claws.

These 2 have taken up residence during the day in a local park in Brisbane and are really disinterested in you when you come close … JPEG OOC taken on a M50 with the kit lens. Processed in Topaz Labs after being cropped in ON1 Photo RAW … processing includes Precision Contrast (Shadows), Edge Exposure and Image Layer.


I admit that it was a little puzzle for me … very nice.

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When I first saw your image I thought: Where are the birds???
Now I know :grinning: Never heard their name, never saw a picture of them.

Thanks, Don - you can learn every day of your life.

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Wow, that is amazing. They look like they are made out of tree bark.

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