WARNING: A very Inappropriate Posting was Private Messaged to Me on this Forum

A very inappropriate private message was sent to me on this forum by ( lehuanani41 ). I believe this message was also sent to a group of others on this forum. The post contained very nasty pornographic images.

Here is the posters Info:

OK no problems the user has been deleted and blocked, unfortunately because Topaz doesn’t validate new users this will happen easily.

Maybe @russelltarpley can look into this as we had a sustained attack last year that created great disruption … mainly to some moderators.


Thanks Don.

Thx AiDon,

I read the mail before Topaz- Studio crashed again, by a Nero 2019 update and I was already bad enough of the photos.


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Thanks for reporting it David !

You’re welcome Ronald.

Thanks for blocking whoever it is. I just got the email messaged to me also from the same person. Pretty sad that some people do this kind of thing. I wish there was some way to prevent this kind of stuff.

David, I too received a similar message. Thanks for reporting it publicly.

You’re welcome Stephen.

There is a way to stop this by having properly validated users when they apply rather than the system Topaz Labs uses now.

There is an updated system coming. The whole forums needs to be upgraded as well. More to come.


I received a similar message from a user by the name of RobToledo containing a VERY graphic violent image.

I apologise that you were a victim of this but it was deleted along with the UID and then blocked about 30 minutes after it happened. In future just flag it please and it will be removed immediately.
